danny is the best uncle god could ever give a girl. my fav thing was spening the night with him and my grandma when i was little girl. as living out of town i looked foward into seeing him when i came into town, he was always my first stop and my stop on the way out. he will always be here by my side no matter how far away he is. we prey every night. please stay by my side and walk through life with me. ill miss you uncle danny.
christina backus (middleburg FL US)
June 3, 2004, 12:00 am
danny is the best uncle god could ever give a girl. my fav thing was spening the night with him and my grandma when i was little girl. as living out of town i looked foward into seeing him when i came into town, he was always my first stop and my stop on the way out. he will always be here by my side no matter how far away he is. we prey every night. please stay by my side and walk through life with me. ill miss you uncle danny.