Ernesto Silva, loving husband and father, was born in Colombia in 1932. At the age of 38 he migrated to the United States to give his family the American Dream. Settling in New York, Ernesto and his wife Gabriela worked tirelessly to raise five boys, Jimmy, Leo, Oscar, Javier and Bill, and to provide them the opportunity to succeed. Their only daughter, Gloria, remained in Colombia.
Family always came first for Ernesto. He made sure to spend time with the family, taking them on trips and outings. He maintained his Christian faith, attending weekly church services with the family. Once he and Gabriela were empty nesters, they retired to sunny Florida in 1998.
He and Gabriela celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary on October 30, 2021.
Ernesto is survived by his wife, Gabriela, brothers Alejandro and Richard, and sister Gloria. He is predeceased by brothers Adolfo and Alfredo. We will miss all of his entertaining stories of his life experiences. He will be greatly missed by his family and the friends he made in the neighborhood, who looked out for them like family.
Ernesto has left an indelible mark in the hearts of his children, who love him dearly and will forever be grateful for the sacrifices he made.
Love and our thanks to all.
Visitation will be held on Saturday, November 27, 2021 from 3:00pm-6:00pm. Religious Service and Tributes of A Lifetime at 5:00pm at Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, 1600 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024.
For those who cannot attend the Service, the family is providing a live video stream of the service for family and friends to attend virtually on Saturday, November 27, 2021 at 5:00 PM; This will be LIVE on the Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care Facebook page at: Hover & Click to the Right of the Arrow —> BOYD-PANCIERA FAMILY FUNERAL CARE FACEBOOK
Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care
© 2025 Boyd Panciera. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Agudelo Diana Jaramillo
November 27, 2021, 12:39 pm
Hola. El amor de Dios los ilumine y les dé la paz necesaria para continuar con este camino, con el amor de su Padre en sus corazones.
Un fuerte abrazo a la abuela.
Envío mi mail para la conexión.
Gloria Inés Agudelo Vargas
November 27, 2021, 12:56 pm
Para mi madre, mis queridos hermanos y demás familiares, me uno a la transformación de un padre luchador y aguerrido.Dios lo reciba en su gloria
Adrian Alexander Jaramillo Agudelo
November 27, 2021, 3:28 pm
Le extiendo mis más profundas condolencias a la familia. Que el alma de su amado padre descanse en paz con Dios nuestro Señor.
Jairo A Jaramillo P
November 27, 2021, 6:09 pm
Tuvimos el honor de conocer al gran Señor Ernesto Silva en su venida a Medellin, pasamos muy bien, paz en su tumba y que esté en compañía del Gran Dios por todos los siglos y mi cariñosa condolencia para sus hijos.
Con Cariño
Jairo A Jaramillo P
Amparo Loaiza C