Gianni Coto, beloved son, brother, and friend, passed away on January 31st, 2023. He was born on September 12, 1994 in Havana, Cuba, and lived a joyous life until his passing at the age of 28.
Gianni was a kind and compassionate young man who touched the lives of everyone he met. He was a loving son to his mother, Anays Perez, and his father, Barbaro Coto, and was proud to have such a supportive family. He was a cherished brother to his sister, Elianne Rojas, and was known for his quick wit, infectious laughter, and warm smile. He was always willing to lend a helping hand and was loved by all who knew him. He was a caring grandson to his grandmother Elsa Morales and grandfather Vidal Coto.
Gianni was passionate about life and lived it to the fullest. He was dedicated to his studies and was in school to become a surgical technician. His curiosity and compassion was fitting to his chosen field . He was also a talented musician and even created his own music. He was a fan of movies, computers, and video games, and was good at just anything he picked up.
Gianni’s passing is a great loss to his family and friends, and he will be remembered as a loving son, brother, and friend. He will be deeply missed, but his legacy will live on through the memories he has created and the love he has shared.
Rest in peace, Gianni. You will always be loved and never forgotten.
Gianni ‘s Services/Celebration of Life will be on February 18th from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM at Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, 1600 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024.
Gianni Coto, hijo querido, hermano y amigo, falleció el 31 de enero de 2023. Nació el 12 de septiembre de 1994 en La Habana, Cuba y vivió una vida alegre hasta su fallecimiento a los 28 años.
Gianni era un joven amable y compasivo que tocó las vidas de todos aquellos que conoció. Era un hijo amoroso para su madre, Anays Pérez, y su padre, Barbaro Coto, y estaba orgulloso de tener una familia que lo apoyaba siempre. Era querido por su hermana, Elianne Rojas, y era conocido por su inteligencia, su risa contagiosa y su sonrisa cálida. Siempre estaba dispuesto a prestar una mano amiga y era amado por todos los que lo conocieron. Era un nieto cariñoso para su abuela Elsa Morales y su abuelo Vidal Coto.
Gianni tenía pasión por la vida y la vivió al máximo. Se dedicó a sus estudios y estaba en la escuela para convertirse en técnico quirúrgico.
Su curiosidad y compasión encajaban perfectamente en esa profesión. También era un músico talentoso e incluso creó su propia música. Era fanático de las películas, las computadoras y los videojuegos y era bueno en cualquier cosa que se propuso.
El fallecimiento de Gianni es una gran pérdida para su familia y amigos, y será recordado como un hijo, hermano y amigo amoroso. Lo echaremos de menos, pero su legado vivirá a través de los recuerdos que ha creado y del amor que ha compartido.
Descansa en paz, Gianni. Siempre serás amado y nunca serás olvidado.
Los servicios serán el 18 de febrero de 3 a 5pm en Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, 1600 N. University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024.
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