In loving memory of Gladys Colon, a cherished member of the Pembroke Pines community, who peacefully departed on the morning of August 31, 2023, at the age of 94. She graced this world with her presence on September 10, 1928, in Utuado, Puerto Rico, as one of three beloved children born to the late Tomas and Concepcion Colon.
Gladys was a woman of diverse passions, finding joy in various facets of life. She was an avid enthusiast of the great outdoors, with a particular love for hiking and embracing all activities that immersed her in nature’s beauty. Yet, perhaps her most enduring passion was her love for travel; she possessed an insatiable wanderlust that led her to explore and understand all corners of the world, making her a true global soul.
In addition to her parents, Gladys now rejoins her brother, Cristobal Colon, and her sister, Ana Elba Rodriguez, in the embrace of eternity. She is survived by her loving children, Santiago Carreras and Janet Kaffl; grandchildren, Michael Kaffl, Chantelle Kaffl, Bellekiss Carreras and Jaclyn Kaffl. She is also survived by 10 precious great-grandchildren.
Gladys Colon’s zest for life, her adventurous spirit, and her warm heart will forever be etched in our memories. She leaves behind a legacy of exploration and a reminder that the world is meant to be explored and appreciated.
We will celebrate Gladys’s life on Friday, September 8, 2023, between 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM at Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care, 1600 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, FL 33024.
Boyd-Panciera Family Funeral Care
© 2025 Boyd Panciera. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Yesenia Alvarez
September 6, 2023, 9:01 pm
Rest in peace Ms. Colon. God has received another angel in heaven. My deepest condolences to the family and friends.
Jaclyn Garcia
August 29, 2024, 8:59 pm
Our “crazy grams”, we ALL miss you tremendously! Our memories are endless and you are thought of and in our hearts always Yayi. Love you. xo sent above.